Thursday, August 2, 2007


I´m back again.
I´ve had almost a week vacation and it´s been great!
We played on "Havsbadet" in Lysekil in front of 1000 crazyheads. Thanx for good food and drinks.
It was a damn good gig and I hope you guys had as good time as we did.
Remember to send your pictures (if you took any) to
(that goes for all of you with tAKiDA pictures by the way)

I went to a small pub in stockholm to see Kitto perform some of her favourite songs.
That means not only tAKiDA songs.
However, she did her own version of our song "Evil Eye".
Man, that sounded good. Her voice is amazing.
That combined with her beeing the sweetest gal from Australia.
I´ll try to throw in a clip from her interpretation of Evil Eye below.

AVD is still pimping our buss but it´s getting ready to go now.

Check out the new tAKiDA t-shirt on the the shop. It´s freaking awesome!!

I got a cool picture today. It was made by Niclas Johansson. Check it out.
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We´re looking forward to play in Sävsjö this weekend. WE WANT SUN... No rain please.
Well... I´ll guess I´ll see you there then.


Unknown said...

Grym cover! Har aldrig hört Kitty förut men får jag möjlighet att se henne kommer jag lätt att göra det!

johannams said...

Ska ÄNTLIGEN se er live till helgen! Vill höra The Dread på Sävsjöfestivalen, please, klockren låt som går rakt in i hjärtat.

Fisso said...

Hallon Klubban å alla andra!
Det var tråkigt att vi var borta nu när du var här. Är alltid trevligt som fan å träffas, fast vi hade det iof så klart kanon i Grekland. (Varmt svinet! 46 grader)
Synd att jag är borta nu till helgen också så att jag inte kunde följa med och sälja prylar och härja men va fan vi syns senare!

Toffe said...

Det är alltså så Robban skulle låta om han vore tjej ;D