Saturday, September 29, 2007

AND... GO!

Karlstad is the first stop on this autumntour.
There´s a Erotic mass at Nöjesfabriken where tonights gig takes place so after a great dinner we´re there... mmmm.

It´s a "SOLD OUT" gig tonight and we´re anxious to get up on stage.
Out tour support Plan three does a good job warming the crowd up!

We´re having some technical problems but over all it was a good gig.
We love this place and hopefully we´ll be back.

there´s a party and then there is sweet sleep. ZZZZZZ



Monday, September 24, 2007


So... it´s about to begin.
It feels very exciting and we´re rehersing this week to give you a hell of a good time.
This blogg will be updated continously now when the tour starts.

Take care and we´ll see ya soon.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


So... I´m back from my vacation on Cyprus.
It´s been warm like hell and I´ll show you some hot pictures from the trip once I find the damn cable to my camera.

As you might have seen there´s been some action on our tourplan... it´s been updated with a bunch of extra gigs!

Check out tAKiDA homepage for more info.

Sunday, September 2, 2007


Well... as most of you know, there hasn´t been too many activities in tAKiDAcamp lately.
We have had vacation... YES, that´s correct. Rockers DO have vacation.
Take Mattias for example, he is on the other side of the globe right this minute.
Me myself and tess is going on a sunny vacation to a small island in the pacific.

Expect a more frequent update as fast as the tour starts in the 28:th of September.

Besides me moving to another apartment, got a new tattoo and bought a brand new car there´s nothing special going on.
see ya soon.