Sunday, November 11, 2007


The last time we played in Borås, the stage was 4 meters wide and 3 meters deep.
I belive that still holds the record for the smallest stage we´ve ever played on.
This time we´re playing in a place called X o Y.
Someone says it´s an old churchlocal. It´s a much better stage anyway.

We´re staying at comfort hotel jazz which is a decent hotel.
Wall to wall with the hotel is a small restaurant/pub and all the hotelguests eat their breakfast here. We learned that the female version of Satan works here.
I couldn´t see her horns but I´m pretty sure she had a tail!
She was, by far, the grumpiest lady we´ve ever encountered.

Much much better however was the place for tonight´s dinner.
We ate at a place called Zeus.
It´s a delicious Greek restaurant with tasty food and cute personnel.
I ate a squid for starter. It looked like a rubberballoon but I assure you it tasted alot better.
However, I highly recommend this place.

XoY is sold out tonight and the manager is amazed that there´s a line outside 2 hours before the place opens.
It have never happened before he says.
This is a good sign.

When we´re up on stage later this night I can only say that Borås has the loudest audience we´ve had so far!! Wonderful!!
The room we play in has 2 floors so it´s a bit tricky to get a good sound in here but I hope it came out alright.
We had another good gig and I wouldn´t mind coming back here again.
Thanx a bunch.

Oh, I got to write this conversation I had with a man in a kiosk regarding a interview I did in Borås tidning.
It was Saturday and I was looking for Fridays copy where the interview was supposed to be.
Anyway. here it is:

-hey man, do you by any chance sell "Borås tidning"?
- Well... no, not today.
- OK not today you say but do you have yesterdays copy?
- No, I get it tomorrow...

I rest my case.


. said...

Snart kommer ni upp till luleå igen, ser verkligen fram emot det=) ni är bäst=) P.S jag kommmer, biljetten redan bokad :)

dekanmi said...

Vi ses den 24:e Tomas! Biljett bokad och hämtas på måndag! Kom ett sånt där fjortisaktig glädjetjut ur mig när jag fick reda på att ni skulle spela i Sundsvall igen! :) Rock on! /Alex