Tuesday, March 13, 2007


Fred did a good job in the studio today.
5 tracks recorded with bass.
The new songs are slowly taking form and just beeing in the studio feels great!

// Tomas


Mikael M said...

Hello Takida. One of the young, Alicia,I meet every week, asked me if I have chords/tabs; No reason why, Asleep, Falling Down, Reason to cry.....Earlier I checked (som hastigast)som Tab.Page (Ultimate guitar?), but it´s feels nasty, much popups (pokerpages and so on.... Which is the bst page? Or shall I sit myself with the CDrecorder, and spend time...? What doez the sourze zay?
Ma mail is bonnajazz@spray.se
or give me direct information on one of my blogs f x http:hvemsida.blogspot.com http://drivemyguitar.blogspot.com

Takida Blog said...

Jag har hittat en massa bra tabs på följande länk: http://www.ultimate-guitar.com/tabs/takida_guitar_tabs.htm men det som inte står någonstans är att takida kör en hel ton nedstämt på hela gitarren o dessutom droppat till d på vissa låtar. det har den som gjort tab inte tänkt på så dra ner den 2 band så stämmer det bättre.