Tuesday, October 30, 2007


The last time we played here it ended in KAOS and this time dosen´t start out that great either.
When we get to the hotel there´s no hotelrooms booked for us!
There was 11 rooms booked but somehow they got lost along the way.
When you´re out touring these things just have to work because we don´t have the time OR energy to take care of it.
Luckily we came to a solution and there was no hard feelings afterwards.

The soundcheck gets strenuous because of the odd shape of the local.
It´s like sitting in a box. Only bass and loud noises.

After dinner we kick back to relax a few hours before we get up on stage again.
We talked about the last time we were here and how they had to lift people over the security fence constantly.
With this in mind I guess we took it a little bit easier with the rocking. It would be so nice if we could preform a whole show for you people. Tonight we did.

After the gig we were sooo hungry.
They didn´t have any food left on the hotel because of a brooken freezer so we went down to the fast-food-corner for some pizzas and burgers. Happy happy joy joy.

Most of us got to sleep before 04.00 so it was a nice and calm evening.
Take Care and we´ll meet again.

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