Thursday, October 4, 2007


We´re leaving Karlstad early and head for Gothenburg wich is the place for tonight´s event.
During soundcheck we hook up with beautiful and charming violinist
She rehearse 2 songs (Curly sue and Reason to cry) with us and I tell you... it sounds so sweet.

They open the doors to Lisebergshallen and it is filled in no time!
Plan Three heat things up tonight again and when they´re done you can almost touch the tension and the energy in the air.
We enter the stage and the audiance is completly nuts!
What a feeling.

We do our thing and when it´s time for the extras... we get both Linda Lampenius (violin) and Patrik Frisk (piano) up on stage.
I´m standing in the background and feel amazed by the crowd singing and waving along.
Goosebumps all over.

Thanx GBG for making this evening unforgettable!


bOeL*yeah*yeah* said...

tack för en kanonspelning i göteborg. keep up the good work guys! ha de gött!

Helena Bartholdsson said...

Kom snart tillbaka, för då kommer vi igen o igen o igen... *ler*